Meal Ideas for Campouts



Pancakes (pre-mixed)

Breakfast wraps with eggs, sausages and tater tots

Bagels & Cream cheese

Apple Juice

Orange Juice

Bacon & Eggs

Poptarts & Donuts

Ingredients (shopping list):

Pancake mix, maple syrup, butter

eggs, sausage, cheese, tater tots, tortillas (and tortillas can be reused for lunch)

Bagels, cream cheese

Apple Juice

Orange Juice

Bacon (pre-cooked), Eggs

Poptarts & Donuts



Walking tacos in Doritos or Fritos bags


Grilled ham and cheese sandwich

Ingredients (shopping list):

Ground beef/pork/lamb, lettuce, tomato, sour cream (small), salad, shredded cheese, salsa (small)

Variety pack of chips

Ham, cheese, butter, bread




Quesadillas with cheese and canned chicken or just cheese

Chicken Noodle Soup

Pan Baked Ziti

Dutch Oven Pizza

Dutch Oven Apple Cake

Hamburger Helper

Ingredients (shopping list):

Ramen, ground beef, carrots, celery

Tortillas, canned chicken, cheese, tomatos

Measuring cup, chicken broth, chicken, noodles, carrots, celery

Ziti pasta, salt, mozzarella or similar cheese, ricotta, and meatballs or ground beef

Pizza dough, canned pizza sauce, pepperoni, shredded mozzarella cheese

1/2 stick butter, 2 cans apple pie filling, 1 box white cake mix

Hamburger, hamburger helper mix



Trail Mix

Beef Jerky

Granola Bars

Ingredients (shopping list):

Trail Mix

Beef Jerky

Granola Bars

Backpacking Meals


Bacon, Ham & Cheese Bagel

Pita ham & cheese

Beef Stew

Ingredients (shopping list):

Bacon (pre-cooked), leftover ham/cheese, Bagel (left over butter)

Pita bread ham, cheese, butter

Beef potato stew (can or pouch), Leftover Pita bread